Saturday 14 February 2009

United States

United States (abbreviated U.S.), or (English: United States of America - USA or the United States - U.S.) is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and a federal district. Except Alaska (northern Canada) & Hawaii (Pacific ocean), 48 other states and districts federalnya located in North America.

United States borders with Mexico and Gulf of Mexico in the south, and with Canada in the north and northwest (Alaska eksklave). West of the country is bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, there are still many areas in the colony, and many parts of the world, such as Hawaii, is a state, and other areas such as Puerto Rico, Guam and others that is included in the commonwealth.

American form of 13 former British colonies that liberate ourselves on 4 July 1776. After the United States berekspansi the large-scale, local purchase Louisiana from France and Russia from Alaska and menganeksasi areas of Mexico that is owned by New Mexico, Texas, and California) after Mexican-American War.

America is a country with the fourth largest in the world, after Russia, Canada, and China & the third largest in number of population, after China and India. But if viewed in terms of the economy, the United States is number one in the world, covering approximately one quarter to one third of total world economic output.

Model of democratic government presidensiil, followed by countries in Latin America other.

United States form of 13 former British colonies after the American Revolution after the declaration of independence on 4 July 1776. At the origin, structure is a political confederation. But after a long debate and terbentuknya United States Constitution, this colony eventually agreed to form a state federation.

In the 19th century the strength of the U.S. extends across the North American continent. Through coercion, military force and diplomacy, the U.S. get a lot of countries in other parts in and outside the country such as Cuba and the Philippines. However, the country is experiencing social problems that bad. In an effort to develop the area of the skin is white, the indigenous Indian has become the victim. Through military force, destruction, evacuation and the development of the reservation area, the indigenous Indian has been removed. In the south, there is still the system of slavery with black people as second-class. Discrimination against colored people is one of the occurrence of civil war between the states of the country-the North and South. Although the system has been abolished slavery after the defeat of the Southern states, racial discrimination continues to reign so that the mid-20th century.

During this era, the country continues to become an advanced industrial world ruler, so that berterusan to-20 th century, known as the Century Kegemilangan the United States or American Century. In this century the influence of the United States in the widespread international arena and the center of innovation and technology in the world when the World is. Some of the technology, including telephone, television, computer, Internet, nuclear weapons, aircraft and ships, outer space travel.

This country has had some bitter experiences such as the American Civil War (1861-1865) and fall when the economy is bad "Great Depression" (1929-1939) that not only the United States are almost all over the world. Experience the latest attack was the most miserable 9 / 11 on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center, New York, where nearly three thousand people killed due to terrorist attacks.

In terms of history, this country has been involved in some of the great world war, War of 1812 against England, and also berpakta the UK during World War I and World War II. In the era of 1960s in the United States involved in the Cold War against the teeth of the other and the influence of Soviet communism. In an effort to stem spread communism in Asia, the U.S. in the Korean War, Vietnam and Afghanistan in the past. And after the fall of Soviet divisions, the U.S. rose to become an economic power and the most powerful military in the world. During the 1990s, the U.S. crown himself as the world's police and army in action in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, and the First Gulf War against Iraq that menginvasi Kuwait. After the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the U.S. counteroffensive against wage Afghanistan Taliban and topple the country there and in 2003 wage Second Gulf War against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein regime.

United States is a democratic constitutional state system with three-Tier and judiciary institutions that are free. There are three national ranking, namely, state and local government agencies that have legislative and executive power to the field of each. Countries using this system in the federation or federalism in the country where the central and state share of power. Central state power against some things such as printing currency and United States defense policy. However, the states determine the rights and power laws of each such as abortion rights and the baby the maximum penalty in the case law.

One element that is marked in the United States doctrine of the division of power. Article 1 to 3 of the Constitution United States, has highlighted the in detail about the powers of the State that is the main executive, legislative and judicial. Checks and balances, or check and balance is one of the main character in the American countries and this is so comprehensive, so there is not a branch of the state that has absolute power to oversee the other branches.

In this country all people aged 18 and over have the right to choose. Presidential election for the election held every four years and the last was in November 2004.

In addition to the presidential elections for the election, there is also a part-time elections, held in mid-presidential term of office. In this election the president is not elected but all members of the Council of Representatives and a third of all the senator from each state. This last election was held on 7 November 2006.

When dinyatakannya independence of the United States, thirteen colonies changed to the state-the state. In the beginning the state-state this as an alliance to join and then formed a unified country. In the following years, the number of states increases with the inclusion of state-state in the west, the purchase of land and split the state-the state that already exists. Each state is divided to the Counties (such districts), cities (such as municipalities or autonomous cities) and townships (such districts).

United States also has a federal district, Washington, DC, and dependency, such as Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Islands.

In addition to the state, one federal district, and some areas that can be called a colony.

United States is the largest country to-3 in the world. Geographical situation is very diverse.

* There is grass in Coastal East,
* Appalachian Mountains
* Great Plains in the middle of this country,
* Mississippi-Missouri River,
* Rocky Mountains in the west

Climate according to various geographical conditions, from tropical (hot and dry in summer, warm in winter) in Florida to tundra (cold year-round) in Alaska. Most countries have a warm summer season and the cold snow. A number of the U.S., such as the California, has a climate Mediterrania.

U.S. capitalist economic system running. Economic growth the country is firmly on the surface, unemployment and low inflation, trade deficit and a low (meaning the U.S. to buy more goods from other countries rather than sell).

U.S. economy is one of the most important in the world. Many countries have made the U.S. dollar as the currency measurements, meaning that valuable or not the currency they are determined by the dollar. A number of countries using the dollar as currency. U.S. stock exchanges is seen as an indicator of the world economy.

This country has many mineral resources, such as gold, oil, coal and uranium deposition. Agriculture makes this country is among the main producers, among others, maize, wheat, sugar and tobacco. U.S. produce cars, aircraft and electronic items. About 3 / 4 of U.S. residents working in the service industry.

U.S. trading partners are:

* Canada
* Mexico
* Country Europe
* Countries such as Japan industrialized Asia, Taiwan, India, South Korea and China.

Distance social structures of the United States, the United States a number of people rich enough. Although there are actually still people who live below the poverty line. 51% of all households have a computer and 41% have Internet access in 2000, that number has grown to be 75% in 2004. Furthermore, 67.9% of the population have their own home in 2002. Average income of U.S. $ 37,000 a year in 2002.

Most of the population in the U.S. are descendants of European immigrants. Many people are descended from German, English, Scottish, Irish, and Italian.

In the recent years, many Hispanic people come from Mexico and other parts of Latin America, particularly to the southwestern U.S.. Many of those who cross the border illegally. Some people feel sick U.S., and also due to the use of Spanish in the U.S. (see Languages in the United States).

Many people also African-American. Most of them descended from African slaves brought to the New World.

Third of the U.S. population is Asian-American. Most inhabit the west coast.

Original population, called the native American Indian and Eskimo, or very little.

[edit] Religion
Embraces the number of Christians in the U.S. continue to decline. 86.2% call themselves Christian in 1990 and 76.5% call themselves Christian in 2001 (Aris 2001). Members of the religious in 2001 is 52% Protestant, Catholic 24.5%, 13.2% have not, Judaism 1.3% and 0,5-0,3% Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostik, atheist, Hindu and Unitarian Universalis. There are big differences between those who embrace a religion and those who are members of the religious places of worship. Census Bureau figures (PDF file) shows that the membership of places of worship in 2004 is 33% Christian Protestant, Roman Catholic 19%, 4% Jews and 44% other religions.

Cultural level the United States are developed. This is evident with the progress of technology. The United States with countries that Russia is a friend of pioneers in the investigation and exploration of space, in addition to the United States are also experts in the field of sophisticated weaponry.

In the field of modern literature, the United States have Ernest Hemingway, who never reach the 1954 Nobel Prize.

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