Thursday 12 February 2009


Japanese Name

Japan called Nippon or Nihon in Japanese. Both these words are written with the letters the same size, namely日本. Nippon designation is often used in official affairs, while Nihon is usually not used in official matters such as daily conversation.

Nippon and Nihon word meaning "sunrise country." The name is derived from the official envoy of China, and refers to the relative position of Japan in the east Asian continent. Before that, Japan was known as Yamato (大和). Wa (倭) is used in the country of China at the time of Three Countries.

Japanese words in English derived from the word Jepun, derived from the Cantonese, who brought a Yat Pun.

A Japanese official in the Japanese language is Nipponkoku or Nihonkoku (日本国), which means "Japan".

A vessel from the Middle Jomon period (3000-2000 BC).

Archaeological research shows that Japan has been inhabited for at least 600,000 ancient human years ago, during the Paleolitik Down. After several days of ice that occurred during the millions of years ago, Japan several times to connect with the Asian mainland through land bridges (with the north of Sakhalin, and Kyushu in the south), that allows human movement, animals, and plants to the island from the Japanese which is now the People's Republic of China and Korea. The era of the Japanese equipment Paleolitik rocks that have enhanced the first in the world, around 30,000 BC.

By the end of the last ice time of arrival and a warm period, Jomon culture appeared around 11,000 BC, is characterized by life-style hunter-collectors (hunter-gatherer) semi-sedenter Mesolitik to Neolitik and craft of making pottery terawal in the world. Estimated that the population of Jomon is the ancestor of the tribe of Proto-Japanese and the Ainu tribe of the present.

The start of the Yayoi period around 300 BC mark the presence of new technologies such as rice farming, irrigation and permbuatan iron and bronze, brought-migrants and migrants from Korea, China and other parts of Asia.

Period was extended to the Kofun period around 250 years, characterized by the establishment of the townships of the military strong. In the year 538, marks the return of religious Buddhist berawalnya Zaman Classic.

Classical era
Buddha statue at Todaiji, Nara, built in the year 752.

According to traditional Japanese mythology, Japan was founded by Emperor Jimmu on 7-th century BC, which start chain-Kaiser Kaiser still has not dropped out until now. Nevertheless, throughout history, for most of the actual strength is in the hands of members of the palace, the SHOGUN, the military, and in the modern era, prime ministers.

The history of Japan began leaving notes on the century-5 and 6 BC, when the system any posts Tionghoa, Buddhist religion, and other Chinese culture introduced Baekje, a kingdom in Korea. Through the Taika Command Changes in the year 645, Japan to strengthen the use of Chinese cultures, and rearrange the system of government with the Chinese model. This opened the way for the strength of Chinese philosophy of Confucianism dominant in Japan until 19th century.

Nara Period in the 8th century marked a strong country Japan is concentrated in a palace in the empire city Heijo-kyo (now Nara). Palace empire was moved to Nagaoka-kyo ago and Heian-kyo (now Kyoto), start the "golden period" classical Japanese culture called the Heian period.

Middle period

Characterized the era of mid bangkitnya Japanese authorities that the group consists of the so-called noble samurai. In the year 1185, general Minamoto no Yoritomo was the first person to be the ruler at the same time with the Emperor, he was in power in Kamakura, south of Yokohama at the present time. After Yoritomo died, other Hojo clan tournament, taking power as a kind of Grand Duke for the SHOGUN. Keshogunan successful holding of the Mongols from China Mongol power in 1274 and 1281. Although this be regarded Keshogunan Kamakura stable, not long after Japan broke out to faksi-faksi that fight each other in the then known as Zaman States war or Sengoku period.
A group of people from the Portuguese Nanban period, 17th century.

In the 16-century, the traders and missionaries from Europe arrived in Japan for the first time, the period of "Nanban" ( "the people of Southern barbarian") that filled the exchange of commerce and culture that were active between Japan and the Western world. Around the same time, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the strengthening control of the country's war. Nobunaga the handling of the country that haphazard and authoritarian ruler who makes it is not preferred, although kejeniusan militernya can not be denied. Colonization of Korea Hideyoshi conducted in 1592 also made his name in history tercemar Japan, especially after the Japanese troops successfully expelled from the Chinese Ming Dynasty and the Korean navy.

Tokugawa finally unify the country after its defeat in the musuhnya Activists Sekigahara in the year 1600, and move the capital to Edo (now Tokyo) and start Keshogunan Tokugawa.

Keshogunan Tokugawa, which is suspicious of the influence of Catholic missionaries, forbade all contact with European people except the relationship with Dutch traders on the island of Dejima. They also become more cautious of traders with China, especially after the Manchu tribes and founded the Chinese Qing Dynasty. Manchu tribes over Korea in the year 1637, and the Japanese fear of the possibility of invasion from the Manchu tribes. Japan because it becomes even more isolated than ever before. This self-containment period ended two and a half centuries later, the political coalition known as the Edo period, which is considered as the peak of the mid-Japanese culture.

Modern era
Japan's empire consisted of most of East and Southeast Asia in the year 1942.

In the year 1854, U.S. commodore, Matthew Perry forced Japan to the West dibukanya through Approval Kanagawa. The samurai who assume that this indicates a weak rebellion keshogunan the War Boshin to culminate in the year 1867-8. The final countdown keshogunan Meiji Restoration and the return of power to the Emperor. Japan adopted several institutions in the West Meiji period, including a modern government, legal system, and the military. These changes change the Japanese Empire became a world power of China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War and Russia in the Russian-Japanese War. Until 1910, Japan has over Taiwan, half of Sakhalin, and Korea.

Early 20th century had become witnesses to the "Taisho democracy" that covered bangkitnya Japanese nationalism. In the year 1936, Japan sign Anti-Komintern Treaty and joined with Germany and Italy to form an alliance axis. In the year 1937, Japan menginvasi Manchuria caused the Sino-Japanese War (1937). In the year 1941, Japan attacked the naval base the United States at Pearl Harbor, bringing U.S. and entering the World War II. After a long campaign in the Pacific Ocean, Japan lost regions that originally held, and the U.S. started to blitz against strategic Tokyo, Osaka and other big cities and the atomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan finally surrendered to the partners on 15 August 1945.

American occupation officially ended in 1952, although U.S. forces still retain important base-base in Japan, especially in Okinawa. Japan since the new constitution in 1947, which established the country as a democratic country pasifis. After the occupation, the Japanese gross domestic product to grow into one of the largest in the world economy under the program of aggressive industrial development, protectionist, and delays to the U.S. strategic defense. Although the stock market took a sharp fall in 1990 and the country up to now still not fully recover from it, Japan is still a world economic power and of late has begun to rise as a strategic force with a non-combat troops to the Gulf War , the UN humanitarian effort to rebuild Cambodia, and the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Japanese colony in the region peak period that includes all of Indonesia and most of East and Southeast Asia.


Japan confessional system of constitutional monarchy based on the British system, with two rooms of the parliament called Kokkai (国会). Japan's parliament consists of the Assembly Lowest Japan (Shuugi-in,众议院480 seats); and Assembly Higher Japan (Sangi-in,参议院, 247 seats). Japanese citizens aged 20 years and over have the right to choose.

Japanese Cabinet of Prime Minister and the Minister. The Prime Minister is a member of parliament appointed by colleagues sejawatnya. Prime Minister of powerful ministers constitute the other.

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) rule since 1955 (except 1993) and was established as a combination of the two conservative parties: the Liberal party and the Democratic party. LDP has ruled the party with the Buddhist religion, New Komeito Party. Parties including the opposition Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party.

Current Prime Minister, Yasuo Fukuda's LDP party that was September 2007 replacing Shinzo Abe who abruptly resigned from the occupation, comes from the same party.

Family Empire
Appear middle Emperor Akihito and empress, and the right of Prince Naruhito and his wife.

Japan has a family empire that diketuai by an emperor, who is also head of state of Japan. However, he only plays a role in the rites and tradition do not have any powers relating to the state government. Japanese emperor is a symbol of solidarity and people of Japan.

the emperor is Akihito (明仁), to the emperor-125. He ascended the throne after ayahandanya Hirohito, mangkat on 7 January 1989. He ditabalkan on 12 November 1990. Anandanya, son of Crown Naruhito, married with ordinary people, Masako Owada, and to a daughter, Princess aiko.


Japan cluster consists of the islands located in the coastal Pacific Ocean in the east Asian continent. Main islands of Japan, from north to south, are Hokkaido, Honshu (main island), Shikoku, and Ryukyu Islands, located 600 km south west of Kyushu. Naha and Okinawa is one of the famous islands in the Ryukyu archipelago. In addition, Japan has a number of 3000 small islands.

73% of Japan consists of mountains that run through each main island. The most high mountain is Mount Fuji with a height of 3776 m. Caused by the contours of the land is low, most of the mountain slopes are used solely for agricultural companies. And cities built on the main land is there in the country of Japan.

Japan is located in the volcanic zone that is on the Circle Pacific Train. This caused many Japanese to be earthquake-low, and sometimes feel tense volcanic eruptions. The earthquake also felt that to destroy a few times in a century. Earthquakes often cause terbentuknya tsunami. The earthquake is the latest Great Hanshin earthquake that occurred in 1995. Caused by the geography, there are many sources of hot springs in Japan and most of the regions as tourist destinations.


Japan is a simple area with four clear seasons. Caused by a short distance away from the north to southern Japan, the climate differs from region to region in northern Japan where the climate is very mild and the snow season in the southern Japan to subtropical climate. Japan's climate is also influenced by a wind gust to blow the season from Asia to the Pacific Ocean in the snow and vice versa in the summer.

The end of June and early July is the rainy season, except for Japan in Hokkaido, because baiu zensen (梅雨前线) remains in Japan. At the end of the summer and early autumn typhoon often form. This cyclone occurred as a result of the pressure in the tropical equator moving from southwest to northeast, and often carry a very heavy rain.

Climate Japan divided over the six climatic zones, namely:

* Hokkaido: Hokkaido have a climate that simple with the snow season is long and cool. In the summer bersuhu low and cool. Evaporation is not large but the island-kepulauannya often snow cliffs that form the high season when the snow.
* Sea of Japan: blast northwest wind that brought snow is very dense. In the summer, the area is much cooler than the Pacific area but sometimes the temperature can reach a very high temperature because the Foehn wind phenomenon.
* The Central High (Chuo-Kochi): Having the climate inland usual. The difference in temperature between summer and winter and night and very different. Evaporation light.
* Seto inland sea: modest climate throughout the year because the mountain area of Chugoku and Shikoku mountains obstruct paths wind gust season.
* Pacific: Having the cool season has a little decrease in snow and heat and lembap during the summer caused by a blast from the southeast monsoon.
* Nansei-shoto (Ryukyu) or islands in southwestern Japan: The subtropical climate experiencing snow season is quite hot and summer is bersuhu high. Evaporation is very heavy, especially in the rainy season. Hurricane is the usual case.

Prefecture and local

Jepun divided into 47 prefecture, are free from central government. From north to south, prefecture, prefecture are:

* 1 Hokkaido
* 2 Aomori
* 3 Iwate
* 4 Miyagi
* 5 Akita
* 6 Yamagata
* 7 Fukushima
* 8 Ibaraki
* 9 Tochigi
* 10 Gunma
* 11 Saitama
* 12 Chiba
* 13 Tokyo
* 14 Kanagawa
* 15 Niigata
* 16 Toyama
* 17 Ishikawa
* 18 Fukui
* 19 Yamanashi
* 20 Nagano
* 21 Gifu
* 22 Shizuoka
* 23 Aichi
* 24 Mie
* 25 Shiga
* 26 Kyoto
* 27 Osaka
* 28 Hyogo
* 29 Nara
* 30 Wakayama
* 31 Tottori
* 32 Shimane
* 33 Okayama
* 34 Hiroshima
* 35 Yamaguchi
* 36 Tokushima
* 37 Kagawa
* 38 Ehime
* 39 Kochi
* 40 Fukuoka
* 41 Saga
* 42 Nagasaki
* 43 Kumamoto
* 44 Oita
* 45 Miyazaki
* 46 Kagoshima
* 47 Okinawa

Japan is also divided into 10 regional units, namely (from north to south): Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Kanto, Chubu, Kansai (Kinki), Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Ryukyu Islands.

Contravention of

Japan have any dispute with Russia over the Kuril Islands by Russia and are also stone Liancourt (Korean: Dokdo, Japanese: Takeshima), which is now occupied South Korea. Senkaku Islands (Chinese: Diaoyutai), which are claimed by Japan by China and Taiwan.


During the oil crisis, Japan's car manufacturers take the opportunity to issue a small car and sparing of fuel such as Honda Civic.
Japanese construction industry, aided by a large civil project. One of the most famous project is the Kansai International Airport. Built on an artificial island, the airport development project is the cost of U.S. $ 30 billion.

Free market economy and Japanese industry is the third largest in the world after the United States and the People's Republic of China viewed from the aspect of international purchasing power parity. Economy is very efficient and compete in areas related to international trade, but productivity is lower in the field of agriklutur, distribution, and service.

Cooperation between government and industry, a healthy work ethic, control technology, the emphasis on education and a small allocation to defense (1% of GDP) is among the factors that enable Japan to develop so rapidly become one of the countries with the United States setanding and the European Union in terms of control of the economy.

The characteristics of typical Japanese economy is in such close cooperation between the companies engaged in the field of plant, supplies, pengedaran, and the bank (a group working together is called keiretsu); wage negotiations between private companies with a trade union (shunto); relationship well with the bureaucracy of government, and guarantee lifelong career (shushin koyo) for almost one third of the labor force in the city, and job security for contract labor. Small and simple, women, and foreign workers usually do not have facilities like that. However, the most characteristic is the terkikis, and economic conditions are now faced with stagnation.

Industry is the economic sector that most major Japanese make very dependent on imported raw materials and oil. Agriculture is the economic sector have a small subsidy is high and is one sector that is protected. This can be seen clearly on agriculture involving rice. The imported rice is subject to tax 490% and the government only allows a quota of 3% the amount of rice in the rice market. In addition to protecting the rice market, Japan also make efforts to create fruits and vegetables of high quality and tasty, but expensive. Japan is usually able to accommodate the needs of the people themselves (except the rice used to make snacks and processed food), but this country needs to import approximately 50% of the needs of cereal and fodder. Japan has one of the biggest fishing industry in the world covering nearly 15% fishing around the world, encouraging the allegations that the Japanese fisheries are causing the number of fish in the sea is reduced drastically, especially tuna.

Overall, for three decades, economic growth is actually quite amazing: an average of 10% in the decade of 1960s, an average of 5% in the 1970s, and an average of 4% in the 1980s. But this growth began to become slow in the decade of 1990s, mainly due to the impact of excessive labor side after the 1980s, and economic foundations of a reduction in inflation which aims to free itself from the excess stock market speculation and the sale price of land. Government efforts to revive economic growth is less successful and continue to be squeezed in 2000-2001.

This is the PM Junichiro Koizumi passed or fail (but sometimes fails) labor laws and foreign privatization of large-scale that can be trusted to help stimulate Japan's economy again. So far, these laws show visible results in various aspects such as foreign labor, but so far have not been able to help Japan's economy to grow again. Prime Minister Koizumi successfully pass the draft privatization including the privatization of all post offices of Japan.

A high population density and age of the majority of the population that resulted in a decrease in the number of older people. This resulted in the increased cost of health maintenance that must be borne by the government. In the future, industrial robots is estimated to be the strength of the economy is very important. Some 410,000 of the 720,000 robots in operation around the world are in Japan.

Agricultural sector

State the main results of Japanese agriculture is food. Although only 16% of the broad land in Japan that is used for agriculture, but including the results satisfactory. The amount of agricultural products supported by the fertility of land due to land pertaniannya contain volcanic ash. In addition, agricultural land penggarapan conducted intensively supported with advanced technology. Agricultural products include rice, potatoes, corn, wheat, peanut, soybean, and tea. Results livestock as pigs, chickens, eggs, beef and milk. Vegetables such as radish, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and lettuce. While the fruit is planted many apples and oranges.

Fishery sector

Japan ranks 2nd in the world behind China in tonnage fishing (1989: 11.9 million tons), decreased slowly from 11.1 million tons in 1980. After the energy crisis occurred in 1973, fishing in the sea in Japan decreased. In the 1980s, the number of fish catch-per-year average of 2 million tons. Fishing offshore 50% of the total fishing land in the late 1980s, although several times to increase and decrease.

Coastal fishing is done with small boats, nets, or a mixture of techniques about a third of total production of the fishing industry of Japan, while the coastal sea fishing with boat about the size of the middle more than half the total production. Among the captured fish species such as sardine, tuna, crab, shrimp, salmon, and makerel.

Japan maintain the largest fishing fleet in the world and approximately 15% of global arrest, issue a statement that a number of Japanese fisheries are cause a reduction in fish stocks such as tuna. Japan also sow controversy with the support whale hunting.

Industrial sector

Japan's main export industries are automotive, consumer electronics (see Japanese consumer electronics industry), the computer, semiconductor, steel, and steel.

Other important industries in the economy is Japan Petrochemical, pharmaceutical, bioindustri, dock, sky, textiles, and processed food. Many Japanese manufacturing industry depends on imported raw materials and fuel.

Mining sector

Mining industry is the current decline in Japan since 1980. Coal production in the country anjlok from the peak 55 million tons in 1960 to almost more than 16 million tons in 1985, while coal imports increased to about 91 million tons in 1987. Coal mining company in the country must compete with cheap coal imports and the cost of coal production in the high country. Peak is a deficit of coal reserves in the 1980s. In the 1980s, nearly 1 million tons of coal reserves most of Japan is used for coal. Most coal is consumed Japanese fuel for power.

Services sector

Some three-quarters of total revenue comes from the Japanese economic services sector. Major industries in the services sector as Japanese banks, insurance, real estate, transportation, and telecommunications. Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho, NTT, TEPCO, Nomura, Mitsubishi Estate, Tokio Marine, Japan Railway, Seven & I, ANA has been a great company of the world. Six major keiretsu group consisting of Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Fuyo, Mitsui, Dai-Ichi Kangyo, and Sanwa. Some 326 companies that are in the list of Forbes Global 2000 (16.3%) are in Japan.


Japanese people are a homogenous society in terms of race and language, the ethnic Japanese community and language (linguistic) is homogeneous, with few foreign residents of most of North and South Korea (1 million), Okinawa (1.5 million), China and Taiwan (0.5 million), Malaysia (0.5 million), Philippines (0.5 million) and Brazil (250,000), including ethnic minorities, indigenous Ainu in Hokkaido. 99% of the population bertutur Japanese language as mother tongue.

Japanese citizenship is usually granted ever since was born, the family members when registering the birth of a baby in the family that held by the foreign office building. However, birth in Japan simply does not guarantee citizenship. Minority language speakers are often single Japanese living in Japan for several generations with the status of the population remain without citizenship in the country get their birth. Descendants of the Japanese population to return to Japan from overseas have had the birth of their citizenship in foreign countries are registered for the members of their families. Sometimes they come home that Japan was not considered and are often suspected as the descendants of caste Burakumin during the era of feudal, population groups that are known to Hijrah countries South America, and often become victims of discrimination.

Average age of population Japan is one of the highest in the world. Japanese people's level of fertility decline after World War II, and decreased again in the mid-1970s because many Japanese women choose career and not married. Japan also have a life expectancy of most high in the world. Japan's estimated population growth will stop dead in 2007 with 20% of the population aged more than 65 years. Changes in demographic structure has caused many social issues, especially the potential reduction of labor costs and increase safety, such as social leave general plan. Japanese government demography experts are now in hot debate about how to handle this problem. [1]. Immigration and birth penggalakan sometimes recommended as a way for the settlement of labor supply to support young people who are this old. Immigration is not popular in many khayalak as a result of the increase in the level of crime is often said to be a foreigner living in Japan.


Most Japanese people take the attitude does not care about the religion and see the cultural and religious traditions. When asked about religion, they will say that they are Buddhists just because their fathers-fathers following a Buddhist religious sect. On this day Shinto, a religion that came from Japan almost escape from attention and is only known by a few scholars only. Most of the teachings of Buddhism and Shinto is practiced in the culture such as culture and marriage. A number of minority profess Christianity, Shamanism, and new religions such as Soka Gakkai. Some of this new religion related meeting with the Buddhist religion.


* Level literacy: 99.8 (1990), 100.0% (2000)
* Compulsory education: 9 years (from age 6 to 15 years)
* Number of secondary school students who advance to higher education is approximately 96%


Japanese culture include the interaction between native Jomon culture with a strong influence from abroad who follow. At first China and Korea to bring a lot of influence, beginning with the development of Yayoi culture around 300 BC. Combination of the Greek cultural traditions and India, and religious art affect Japan since the tenth century BC-6, equipped with the introduction of religious Buddhist Mahayana sect. Since 16-th century, prominent European influence, followed by the influence of the United States dominates the Japanese after the end of World War II.

Jepun consecutive develop a culture that original and unique, in the arts (ikebana, origami, ukiyo-e), crafts (sculpture, pottery, the (puppet bunraku, traditional dances, Kabuki, noh, rakugo), and tradition (the Japanese, onsen , sento, tea ceremony, Japanese garden), and Japanese food.

Now, Japan is an exporter of the biggest pop culture. Anime, manga, fashion, film, literature, video games, music and Japan receive warm welcome in the world, especially in Asian countries is another. Japanese youth love to create new trends and relish the style of their fashion and trends affecting the world. Youth-market mudi a very bright bring to the test items the user a new electronic, in which style and function is determined by the user of Japan, before being distributed to the entire world.

Recently, Japan began to export a commodity culture that values: sportswear. Popularity Japanese Baseball players in the United States to increase awareness of citizens of the West is all about Japan.

Japanese people usually love eating their food traditions. Most of the TV at the time of the evening is devoted to the discovery of food and traditional quality. Print the name of Japanese food in the world of sushi, usually made from various types of raw fish mixed with rice and Wasabi. Sushi has a lot of fans around the world. Japanese food is based on the transition season, serve with cold noodles and sashimi in the summer, while hot ramen and shabu-shabu in the winter.

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