Thursday 12 February 2009


Abbreviated Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, located on the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. Because the location of which is located between two continents and two oceans, it is also known as Nusantara (Island of). Comprising 17,508 islands, Indonesia is an archipelago in the world. With a population of 222 million people in 2006, [3] is a fourth largest country in the world and that a Muslim country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Form of government is republican, with the House of Representatives and the president elected directly. Jakarta is the capital of the country. Indonesian borders with Malaysia on the island of Kalimantan, with Papua New Guinea on the island of Papua and East Timor in the Timor Island. Other neighboring countries are Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the area of unity and Nikobar Andaman Islands in India.

History of Indonesia affected by many other nations. The Indonesian archipelago became important trade region since at least since 7th century, when the Kingdom of Sriwijaya establish religion, and trade with China and India. Hindu kingdoms and the Buddha has been growing in the early centuries of Christian era, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European forces battle each other to monopolize trade spices Maluku during the era of ocean exploration. After 350 years of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia declares independence at the end of World War II. Then get a challenge from Indonesian natural disaster, corruption, separatism, the democratization process and the period of rapid economic change.

From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consists of various ethnic, language and religion that is different. Java tribe is the largest ethnic group and the most politically dominant. Indonesia's national motto, "If Bhinneka single" ( "Different backgrounds but one"), the diversity that make up the country. In addition has a population of large and dense areas, Indonesia has a natural area that supports the level of biodiversity in the world's second largest.


The word "India" is derived from the Latin word in the Indus, which means "Indian" and the word in Greek nesos which means "island." [4] Thus, the meaning of the word Indonesia India islands, or archipelago located in India, which showed name that was long before India became independent countries. [5] In 1850, George Earl, an English etnolog berkebangsaan, originally proposed the term Indunesia and Malayunesia for the "India Islands or Malay Islands." [6] Earl's students, James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a synonym word from India Islands. [7] However, Dutch academics writing in the Dutch media said Indonesia does not use, but the term Malay Islands (Maleische Archipel); Netherlands East Indies (Nederlandsch Oost Indie), or the Indies ( Indies); East (de Oost); and even Insulinde (term introduced this year by 1860 novel Max Havelaar (1859), written by Multatuli, the criticisms of the Dutch colonialism). [8]

Since year 1900, the name Indonesia became more common in academic circles outside the Netherlands, and Indonesian nationalist groups to use it for political expression. [9] Adolf Bastian from the University of Berlin popularize this name through the book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884-1894. Indonesia's first student mengunakannya is Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), when he established the office in the Netherlands named Indonesisch Pers-bureau in the year 1913. [5]


Residual fossil-fossil Homo erectus, by the anthropologist also dijuluki "Java Man", cause dugaaan that the Indonesian archipelago was uninhabited at the start of two million to 500,000 years ago. [10] The Austronesia, which form the majority of the population at this time, migrate to Southeast Asia from Taiwan. They arrived around 2000 BC, and the Melanesian nations that are there in the first push to areas in the far eastern island. [11] where conditions are ideal for agriculture, and control of how to plant rice farming since at least the tenth century -8 BCE, [12] cause a lot of villages, cities, and small kingdoms growing to grow well in the first century BC. In addition, Indonesia is located in the international sea trade routes and inter-island, has been shipping line between India and China for several centuries. [13] Since then Indonesia has a lot of influence from these trade activities. [14]

Under the influence of Hindu and Buddhist religion, some form in the island kingdom of Sumatra and Java since centuries to 7-to-14 th century. Sriwijaya appear in 7-th century as the kingdom with a strong maritime power to control trade in the Malacca and its surrounding areas. [15] The 8th century and to-10,-dynasty dynasty dynasty Sanjaya successfully develop and kingdoms in Java-based agricultural , with historical heritage such as temples of Borobudur and Prambanan temple. At the end of the 13th century, Majapahit was founded in the eastern part of Java. Mahapatih under Gajah Mada, his power extends to almost cover Indonesian territory now, and is often called the "golden Zaman" in the history of Indonesia. [16]

Traders coming-Arab and Persian traders through Gujarat, India, and brought Islam. In addition, sea-China party, led by warlord Cheng Ho (Zheng He), which are Islam, also stop in this region at the beginning of the century to the 15th [17]

When the Europeans came in the early 16 th century, they found several small kingdoms that they can easily dominate kuasai for the spice trade. Portuguese first landed in two ports, namely the Kingdom of Banten and Sunda Sunda Kelapa, but can be expelled and moved to the east and the Moluccas. In the 17th century, the Netherlands emerged as the most powerful country in the other European countries, the United Kingdom and Portugal (except for their colony, Portuguese Timor). In the Christian religion that is the entrance to Indonesia as one of the old mission of imperialism known as 3G, that is Gold, Glory, and Gospel. [18] Netherlands over Indonesia as a colony until World War II, initially through the VOC, and then directly by the Dutch government since the early 19th century.

Under the system cultuurstelsel, in Dutch System (Planting) in the 19th century, large plantations and forced cultivation was conducted in Java, eventually generate profits for the Netherlands can not be produced by the VOC. During the colonial government a free after 1870, this system is removed. After 1901 the Netherlands introduced the ethical policy, [19] which included limited political reform and greater investment in the Netherlands-Indies.

During World War II, during the Dutch occupation by Germany, Japan, the Indonesian. After Indonesia in the year 1942, the Japanese view that Indonesia is a co-combatant trade cooperative and are willing to recruit soldiers if needed. Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, KH. Mas Mansur, and Ki Hajar Dewantara award given by Japan's Emperor in the year 1943.

In March 1945 Japan formed a committee for the independence of Indonesia, after the Pacific war ended in 1945, under the pressure of youth organizations, group leaders proclaim the independence of Indonesia Soekarno on 17 August 1945. In an effort to take back Australia, the Netherlands to send their troops.

Efforts to muffle bloody independence movement later known as the 'police action' (Politionele Actie). [20] Netherlands finally receive the right to independent India on 27 December 1949 after obtaining a strong pressure from the international community, notably the United States. Soekarno became the first president of Indonesia and Mohammad Hatta as vice president.
In the 1950s and 1960s, Soekarno government start following the non-aligned movement in the first and then with the socialist bloc, for example, People's Republic of China and Yugoslavia. 1960 to witness the occurrence of military confrontation against neighboring countries, Malaysia ( "confrontation"), [21] and the dissatisfaction of the economic difficulties of the larger. Then in 1965 burst G30S incident which caused the death of 6 persons and a number of general officer other medium. Show the strength of the new call themselves the New Order that immediately accuse the Communist Party of Indonesia as the brain behind the event and this means defeat the legitimate government and replace the national ideology based on the socialist-communist credo. This accusation was made at once a reason to replace the old government under President Soekarno.

General Soeharto became president in 1967 with a reason to secure the country from the threat of communism. The physical condition of the Soekarno own now weakening. After Soeharto's rule, hundreds of thousands of Indonesian citizens suspected communist parties involved were killed, while many more people of Indonesia who are abroad, does not dare return to the ground water, and finally revoked nationality. 32 year period is called the power of Soeharto's New Order, while the Soekarno government called the Old Order.

Soeharto implement neoliberal economic success and bring foreign investment to enter the large and produce large economic growth, although not evenly, in Indonesia. At the beginning of the New Order regime policies ekomomi Indonesia organized by a group of economists-economists graduate economics department University of California, Berkeley, called "Berkeley Mafia." [22], however, add kekayaannya Soeharto and his family through the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism is widespread, and he finally was forced down after the occupation of action demonstrations and large-scale state economic conditions worsened in 1998.

From 1998 until 2001, Indonesia has three presidents: Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Sukarnoputri. In the 2004 election one day in the world [23] and was won by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Indonesian now are experiencing problems-economic, political and religious dissension nuances in the country, and some areas are trying to get independence, namely Aceh and Papua. East Timor finally officially secede in 2002 after 24 years together with Indonesia and 3 years under UN administration of East Timor into the country.

In December 2004 and March 2005, the Aceh and Nias are two major earthquakes that killed hundreds of thousands of the total inhabitants. (See the Indian Ocean earthquake and 2004 Sumatra earthquake in March 2005.) Genesis is followed by the Yogyakarta earthquake and tsunami strike the coast of Pangandaran and surrounding areas, flooding and mud in Sidoarjo in 2006 that is not kunjung terpecahkan.

Politics and government
Indonesian government republican presidential run multipartai democratic. As well as in countries other democracy, the political system in Indonesia is based on the Trias Politika powers legislative, executive and judiciary. Legislative powers held by an institution called the People Permusyawatan Assembly (MPR), which consists of two entities, namely the House of Representatives members consist of representatives of Party Politics and the DPD members representing the provinces of Indonesia. Each region was represented by 4 people elected directly by the people in their respective regions.

Permusyawaratan People's Assembly (MPR) is the highest state institution. However, after the amendment to the 4-MPR is not the highest institution again. MPR membership Amandeman change after the 1945 Constitution in the period 1999-2004. All members of MPR is a member of the House of Representatives, plus the members of DPD (Regional Representative). [24] House of Representatives Member and DPD selected through the election and appointed in the tenure of five years. Since 2004, the MPR is a bikameral parliament, after the creation of DPD as a second room. Previously, the MPR members are all members of the House of Representatives plus the messenger. MPR currently diketuai by Hidayat Nur Wahid. MPR members when the consist of 550 members of the House of Representatives and 128 members of DPD. DPR currently diketuai by Agung Laksono, while the DPD at this time diketuai by Ginandjar Kartasasmita.

Executive agencies is based on the president, vice presidents, and cabinet. Cabinet in the Cabinet is Presidensiil so that the ministers responsible to the president and does not represent a political party in the parliament. However, at this time that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is carried by Democratic Party leaders also appointed a number of Party Politics to sit in kabinetnya. The goal is to maintain the stability of government considering the strong position of legislative institutions in Indonesia. However, post-post important and strategic generally filled by the Minister without portfolio party (coming from someone who is considered experts in the field).

Judicial institutions since the reform and the amendment of the 1945 Constitution is run by the Supreme Court, Judicial Commission, and the Constitutional Court, including the administrative judges. However, the existence of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights still maintained. Head of the MA at this time Prof. Dr. Bagir Manan much criticism from various parties in relation to the weakness MA in law and uphold justice in Indonesia. However, in the Elections Chairperson MA 2006, Bagir still get a majority vote of the judges magnificent.

The division of administrative

Indonesian currently consisting in 33 provinces, five of them a special area. Each agency has a provincial governor and legislatur. Province divided into districts and cities, which divided into sub-districts and villages and into the village.

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Papua, West Papua and has privileges legislatur and a greater level of autonomy which is higher than the central government than other provinces. For example, the government of Aceh has the right to form their own legal system; in 2003, the first set Aceh Sharia law. [25] to get the status of Yogyakarta Special Region as a recognition of the important role of Yogyakarta in Indonesia for supporting the Indonesian Revolution. [26] Papua Province , formerly called Irian Jaya, get the special autonomy status in 2001. [27] Jakarta is the capital of country-specific areas. Portuguese Timor in the region combined to become a province of Indonesia and East Timor in 1979-1999, which then separate themselves through a referendum the State of Timor Leste. [28]

* Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Banda Aceh
* Sumatra Utara - Medan
* West Sumatra - Padang
* Riau - Pekanbaru
* Riau - Tanjung Pinang
* Jambi - Jambi
* South Sumatra - Palembang
* Bangka Belitung Islands - Pangkal Pinang
* Bengkulu - Bengkulu
* Lampung - Bandar Lampung

* Special Capital Region Jakarta - Jakarta
* Banten - Serang
* West Java - Bandung
* Central Java - Semarang
* Special Region of Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
* East Java - Surabaya

Small Sunda Islands
* Bali - Denpasar
* West Nusa Tenggara - Mataram
* East Nusa Tenggara - Kupang

* Kalimantan Barat - Pontianak
* Kalimantan Tengah - Palangkaraya
* South Kalimantan - Banjarmasin
* East Kalimantan - Samarinda

* North Sulawesi - Manado
* Gorontalo - Gorontalo
* South East - Palu
* South West - Mamuju
* South Sulawesi - Makassar
* South East Sulawesi - Kendari

* Maluku - Ambon
* Maluku Utara - Ternate

* West Papua - Manokwari
* Papua - Jayapura


Indonesian island has 17,504 large and small, around 6000 of them are uninhabited [29], which is spread around the equator, which provides tropical weather. Indonesia lies in the position coordinates 6 ° N - 11 ° 08'LS and from 95 ° 'BB - 141 ° 45'BT and located between two continents, namely Asia continent and Australia / Oceania.

Spread throughout the territory of Indonesia in the 3977 miles between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Area land is 1,922,570 km ² and the broad waters 3,257,483 km ². Island population is most populous island of Java, where half the population living Indonesia. Indonesian consists of 5 major islands, namely: Jawa with a 132,107 km ², Sumatra with a 473,606 km ², Kalimantan with an area 539,460 km ², with a South 189,216 km ², and Papua with an area of 421,981 km ². Delivery of Indonesia over the direction of the wind, namely:

* North: Country Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and South China Sea
* South: Country Australia, Timor Leste, and the Indian Ocean
* West: Indian Ocean
* East: State of Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Pacific Ocean

Location also is located in tektonik plates, which means that Indonesia is exposed to the earthquake-prone and can cause a tsunami. [30] Indonesia also has many volcanoes [31], one of the mountain is very famous Krakatau, located in the Sunda strait between the islands of Sumatra and Java.


Economic system was initially supported with the release of Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI), which became the first currency of the Republic of Indonesia, which in turns into Rupiah.

During the Old Order government, Indonesia does not adapt seutuhnya capitalist economic system, but also memadukannya with economic nationalism. Government that has not experienced, is still intervene to participate in some production activities that affect the community for many. This, plus the political crisis, caused the occurrence of instability in the economic state. [32]

New Order Pemerintahaan immediately apply the discipline that is aimed at pressing economic inflation, stabilize the currency, penjadualan back foreign debt, and try to attract aid and foreign investment. [32] In the era of 1970s oil price increases that cause melonjaknya export value, and trigger level of economic growth on average a high of 7% between the years 1968 to 1981. [32] further economic reforms before the end of the 1980s, such as the financial sector deregulation and the weakening rupiah value reserve, [32] next stream foreign investment to Indonesia, especially in the industrial export-oriented industry in the years between 1989 until 1997 [33] Indonesia Economic slowdown experienced in the late 1990s due to the economic crisis that most of the Asian surge at the time, [34] that accompanied the end of the period New Order of President Soeharto's resignation on 21 May 1998.

Currently, the Indonesian economy has been quite stable. GDP growth in Indonesia in 2004 and 2005 exceeded 5% and will continue to be estimated. [35] However, the impact of growth is not big enough influence in the level of unemployment, amounting to 9.75%. [36] [37] Estimates of 2006, 17.8% of people living below the poverty line, 49.0% and there are people who live on less than U.S. $ 2 per day. [38]

Indonesian natural resources have a great outside Java, including crude oil, natural gas, tin, copper, and gold. Indonesian natural gas exporter in the world's second largest, though of late he has become a net crude oil importer. The main agricultural products include rice, tea, coffee, spices, and rubber. [39] in the services sector is the largest GDP contributor, reaching 45.3% GDP for 2005. While the industrial sector accounted for 40.7%, and the agricultural sector accounted for 14.0%. [40] However, the agricultural sector employs more people than other sectors, namely 44.3% of 95 million workers. The services sector employs 36.9%, and the rest of the industrial sector 18.8%. [41]

Largest trading partners is Japan, the United States, and countries jirannya namely Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

Although rich in natural resources and human, Indonesia still faces a major problem in the field of poverty reduction is largely caused by the reign of corruption in the government. Institution Transparency International ranked Indonesia as a place to-143 out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index, which released in 2007. [42]

Indonesia central bank, namely Bank Indonesia.


According to the census of 2000, Indonesia has a population of around 206 million, [49] and estimated in 2006 a 222 million. [3] 130 million (more than 50%) live in Java island which is the most inhabited islands as well as the capital city of Jakarta which is located . [50] Most (95%) the population is Malay nation, [51] and there are also groups of the tribe of Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and especially in Eastern Indonesia. Many of Indonesia declares himself as a part of the ethnic group is more specific, which is divided by language and region of origin, such as Javanese, Sundanese, or Batak.

In addition there is also the number of migrants who are ethnic minorities, Chinese, Indian, and Arabic. They have long come to the archipelago with trade routes since 8 th century BC and settled into a part of Nusantara. In Indonesia there are about 4 million population is ethnic Chinese. [51] This figure is different only because in 1930 an the last time the government do with the census-grade bracket of the Indonesian people to the tribe and his descendants.

Islam is a religion be embraced by the majority of the approximately 85.2% of the population of Indonesia, making Indonesia the country with the highest Muslim population in the world. [39] The rest are Protestant (8.9%), Catholic (3%), Hindu (1.8 %), Buddhist (0.8%), and others (0.3%). Besides religion, the government also officially recognizes Konghucu. [52]

Most of Indonesia bertutur in the local language as mother tongue, but the official language of Indonesia, Indonesian language, is taught in all schools in this country and mastered by almost all the population in Indonesia.


Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups, each ethnic culture that has developed over the centuries, influenced by Indian culture, Arab, China, and Europe, including the Malay culture itself. For example Java and Bali dance has traditional and cultural aspects of Hindu mythology, such as leather puppet show of stories about the incident mitologis Hindu Ramayana and Baratayuda. Many also contain the art of dance values of Islam. Some of them can be found in areas such as Sumatra Ratéb Meuseukat dance and dance Seudati of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Arts pantun, gurindam, and so forth from various areas such as pantun Malay, and pantun-pantun acapkali used in other events in the particular, namely, stage art, and others.

In the field of clothing the famous cultural heritage around the world is batik handicrafts. Some of the areas famous for the industry include batik of Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pekalongan. Batik crafts this is claimed by Malaysia with industry batiknya. [53] Clothing native Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke other recognizable features of the subject-characteristics in each region, among other clothes with songketnya brackets from West Sumatra (Minangkabau), ulos cloth from Sumatra North (Batak), good clothes, typical clothing Dayaks in Kalimantan, Bodo clothing from South Sulawesi, Papua's berkoteka clothing and so forth.

The most dominant influence in the architecture is the architecture India, but there is also the influence of Chinese architecture, Arab, and Europe.

The most popular sports in Indonesia are badminton and football; Indonesia Super League is the league major soccer clubs in Indonesia. Sports including traditional takraw kick karapan and cattle in Madura. In the region with a history of inter-ethnic war, the contest was held contention, such as names in Flores and Sumba in pasola. Pencak Silat is the art of self-care that comes from the unique region of Indonesia. Seni bela diri is sometimes displayed on the events showtimes that are usually followed by a form of traditional Indonesian music gamelan music and traditional art in accordance with the original. Sports in Indonesia are usually male-oriented sports and spektator often associated with gambling is illegal in Indonesia. [54] Arts in music, both traditional and modern is very much outward from Sabang to Merauke.

Every province in Indonesia have a traditional music with something special apart. Traditional music, including Keroncong originating from Portuguese descent in the area of Tugu, Jakarta, [55] which is known by all people of Indonesia and even to other countries. There are also music merakyat in Indonesia that is known by the name of Dangdut music influenced by Arab, Indian, and Malay.

Traditional musical instrument which is a typical musical instrument has many of the fad in the various regions of Indonesia, but also a lot of traditional music instruments from Indonesia 'stolen' by other countries [56] for the addition of culture and art music with its own patent copyright of art and culture indonesian. Indonesian traditional musical instrument, among others, include:

* Angklung
* Bende
* Calung
* Dermenan
* Gamelan
* Gandang Tabuik
* Drum Bali
* Karo kettledrum
* Drum Melayu
* Gong Kemada
* Gong Lambus
* Jidor
* Harp flute
* Kendang Java
* Kenong
* Kulintang
* Fiddle
* Pin
* Saluang
* Saron
* Sasando
Fife *
* Seurune Kale
* Flute Lembang
* Flute Sunda
* Talempong
* Tanggetong
* Tifa, and so forth

Indonesian cuisine varies depending on the region. [57] Rice is the staple food and dihidangkan with a side dish of meat and vegetables. Spices (especially chili), coconut milk, fish and chicken that is important. [58] The popularity soar Indonesian film industry in the 1980s and dominated cinemas in Indonesia, [59] although kepopulerannya decreased in the early 1990s. [60 ] Between 2000 to 2005, the number of Indonesian films released each year is increasing. [59]

Proof of any posts in Indonesia is different speaking Sanskrit inscription on the 5-th century BC. Important figures in modern Indonesian literature include: Dutch author Multatuli criticizing the treatment of Dutch Indonesia during Dutch colonial era; Muhammad Yamin and Hamka passed which is the author and pre-independence politician; [61] and Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesia novel of the most famous. [62] Many Indonesians have a strong oral tradition, which help define and maintain their cultural identity. [63] Freedom of the press in Indonesia, increased after the end of President Soeharto. Television stations, including ten national private television stations, and networks that compete with local television stations TVRI country. Private radio stations broadcast their news programs and foreign broadcasting. Reportedly, there are 20 million internet users in Indonesia in 2007. [64] The use of the internet limited to the minority population, estimated at 8.5%.

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