Saturday 14 February 2009


Åland Islands (Swedish: Landskapet of Åland, Finland language: Ahvenanmaan maakunta / Ahvenanmaa) is an archipelago in the Baltic Sea. Located at the entrance of Gulf of Bothnia. Administratively, the province of Åland is an autonomous Finnish experience, not military strength, single Swedish-speaking, be a governor and a prime minister. This archipelago consists of the main island, Fasta of Åland, and 6500 ± skerry other.

* Brando
* Eckerö
* Finström
* Föglö
* Throne
* Hammarland
* Jomala
* Kumlinge
* Kökar
* Lemland
* Lumparland
* Mariehamn
* Saltvik
* Sottunga
* Sund
* Vårdö

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