Saturday 14 February 2009

Akrotiri and Dhekelia

Akrotiri, also called the "power sector Pangkalan West" (Western Sovereign Base Area / WSBA) and Dhekelia, also called the "Great power Sector East" (Eastern Sovereign Base Area / ESBA), is a two-Area Great Britain (UK Sovereign Base Area / SBA ) in Cyprus, the former British Crown colony. Akrotiri is located in the southern part of Cyprus, near the city Limasso. Dhekelia is located in the southeast, near Larnaca. Both areas have a military base, agriculture and settlement. Akrotiri is surrounded by territory of the Republic of Cyprus, while the boundary with Dhekelia buffer zone of the United Nations and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

British troops garrison placed there as a form of defense. In addition, there is also a listening post (the post to hear the enemy) and the only station RAF (British Air Force) the most in the Mediterranean region (due in Gibraltar does not have permanent base plane), RAF Akrotiri. Britain is also sending pasukannya under the auspices of the UN assigned in Cyprus. British personnel in the entire Cyprus reached 3500 people.

Disorientation can be felt when entering the area a military power base (different from the Guantanamo Bay, there is a way to penetrate the region and even to the military camp, which is open to traffic from Cyprus). In fact, all the roads in the military camp is keinggris-inggrisan. Civil law applied by the British civil authorities, but rather follow the model law of the Republic of Cyprus. Many residents who work in Cyprus SBA, especially for the British authorities or as farmers and traders. However, only people that Cyprus has a local network (local connection), which allowed to live there, such as those living in the village of Akrotiri on the fringe of the village or neighborhood near base. In addition, the village Xylotimbou and Ormidhia in the Republic of Cyprus is enklave surrounded by SBA Dhekelia.

Power base in Cyprus, including in the British overseas territory, but rather, led by the Governor, such as other territorial, SBA in Cyprus led by the Administrator, appointed by the Queen, but is responsible to the Ministry of Defense, not to the Office for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.

An antenna (possibly for the sake of radar) that is installed in the Akrotiri base feared cause side effects of habitat and wild animal health people who live in Limassol.

Ayios Nikolaos in Dhekelia station is listening for network watcher echelon.

Second base has a complex relationship with the EU according to different agreements.

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