Saturday 14 February 2009


Albania is a country located in southeast Europe. Albania borders Montenegro to the north, Serbia (Kosovo) in the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east, and Greece in the south. Adriatic Sea is located in the west of Albania, while in the Ionia Sea southwest. Albania in the language called Shqipëria, which means Land of Water Birds Elang. Thus, the image double eagle can be seen in benderanya and emblemnya. The name "Albania" may also come from the words of Indo-European albh (white).


Scholars believe the Albanian population is the offspring of non-Slavic, non-ethnic groups of Turkey known as Illyria, who came in the Balkans around 2000 BC. Modern Albanian population still distinguish between Gheg (northern tribe) and Tosk (southern tribes). After falling under Roman authority in 165 BC, Albania monitored almost continuously from the turn of foreign powers until mid-20th century, with a short period of self-government.

Following terpecahnya the Roman Empire in 395, the Empire began Bizantium area that is now known as Albania. In 11-century, Bizantium Emperor Alexius I Comnenus to create a letter in which the record is the first time or area of land known as Albania and its population.

Kalifah Usmaniyah between the Albanian 1385-1912. During this period, most people embraced Islam, and the Albanian people also emigrate to Italy, Greece, Egypt and Turkey. Despite supervision by briefly disrupted upheaval 1443-1478, led by Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeg, Khilafah Turkey Utsmani finally assert their control again.

In the early 20th century, Khilafah Turkey Utsmani control can not control here. Prizren League (1878) introduced the idea of Albanian nationalism and create a modern Albanian alphabet. Following end of the Balkan War I, those Albania Vlore Proclamation issued on 28 November 1912, declare 'independence'. Albanian border defined by the strength of 1913. Integrity of Albania be in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, after United States President Woodrow Wilson's plan to deny the strength of Europe to divide Albania among neighbors.

During World War II, Albania dicaplok first by Italy (1939-43) and then by Germany (1943-44). After the war, the Communist Party leader Enver Hoxha set to protect the integrity of Albania during the next 40 years, but requires a political price which is very expensive from the population, be caused to bow to the clean up, reduce, oppression and civil rights politics, total ban on religious practice, and increase the isolation . Albanian loyal to the philosophy that hard Stalinis, eventually withdraw from the Warsaw Treaty in 1968 and dissociate themselves from the last ally, People's Republic of China in 1978.

Following the death of Hoxha in 1985 and then fall of communism in 1991, Albanian society struggled to cope isolation and dropping history. During the initial transition period, the government of Albania looked closer ties with the West in order to improve economic conditions and introduced basic democratic reforms, including multipartai system.

In 1992, after the triumph of a wide selection of Democratic Party, Sali Berisha became the first democratic leader who is selected as the President of Albania. Berisha economic improvement program started and 'democracy' is more cautious, but when running a rumor that failed in the mid 1990an, because of political gridlock. At the same time, investment companies that do not override moral overshadow all the money in Albania using pyramid schemes. In the early 1997, several pyramid schemes that kolaps, leaving thousands of people bankrupt, disillusioned, and angry. Armed upheaval broke out throughout the country, the fall of almost total government authority. During that time, Albania has the infrastructure that is not enough and old who suffer great damage, such as the hijack of the common material for building. Weapons depot in the country and dismantled so that its contents seized in that year many outstanding military firearm be Albanian civilians. Anarchy in the early 1997 impassion the world and encourage the intensive international mediation.

Command restored by the UN Multinational Protection Force, and national reconciliation government while maintaining the elections in June 1997, the Socialist and allies to restore the power at the national level. President Berisha to stop, and the President is the successor of the Socialist Rexhep Meidani. Between 1997 and 2002, a series of short replace one another. Fatos Nano, Chairman of the Socialist Party, has been PM since June 2002.

During the transition period 1997-2002, the structure of democracy, Albania is easy to be broken. Political party to form, store the media developed, organizations and business associations nonpemerintahanpun so. In 1998, the Albania ratified a new constitution via public referendum, the power of law and ensure protection of the rights and religious freedom.

On 24 July 2002, Alfred Moisiu disumpah as President. Nonpartisan figure, associated with a nominal Democrat, he was appointed as the consensus candidate of the party in power and opposition. A peaceful transfer of power from Meidani to Moisiu is a result of the agreement between the parties to encourage one another in the structure of parliament. "Truce" to bring this new period of political stability in Albania, which is considered to be able to make progress in the means that may be democracy and economic reform, the initiative power of the law, and the development of relations with countries neighboring Albania and the U.S..
City election held throughout the country in October 2003. Even if it means beyond repair years ago, remain scattered errors of administration, including a list ketidakakakuratan collector. "Ceasefire" antarpemimpin party scene began in summer 2003. Progress on the economic and political improvements appear to suffer during the final year-end 2003 because of political contention. However, in December 2003, PM Nano reassert his leadership of the Socialist Party is in power and the new cabinet.

Ethnic Macedonian minority in Albania

Albania recognizes the ethnic Macedonian and ethnic minorities as to provide primary education in Macedonia on the border where most of their lives. In the 1989 census, 5,000 people declare themselves as Macedonian.

Ethnic organization is suspected that the government reduce the number of ethnic Macedonian and Albanian in the politics they represented less - there is no Macedonian ethnic Albanian in the parliament. Some parties said the ketidaksetujuan between citizens Slavik Albanian-speaking nation on the membership of Macedonia and a significant number of speakers of the language Slavik was Torbesh and identity as the Albanian people. Estimates outside the ethnic Macedonian population in Albania include 10,000 [1], whereas Macedonian sources have claimed that 120,000 - 350,000 inhabitants in Macedonia's ethnic Albanian.

The language of the official language is Albanian (99%)

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