Thursday 12 February 2009


Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Pashtun / from-Parsi: افغانستان, Afghanistan) is a country in Central Asia. He is sometimes classified as part of South Asia or the Middle East because of proximity to Iran Plato. Afghanistan borders with Iran in the west, Pakistan in the south and east, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan to the north, and the People's Republic of China at the end of the east. Afghanistan also borders Kashmir, the region dipersengketakan by India and Pakistan. Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world.

In the period between tergulingnya the Taliban regime in 2001 and queasiness jirga (council chamber Musyawarah Traditional) in 2004, the Western world call this country with the name of Transitional Islamic State Afghanistan.

Now, a temporary government was established. Diketuai by President Hamid Karzai, most members of the Northern Alliance, and the mix of regional and other ethnic groups made the transition from government by queasiness jirga. Former king Zahir Shah returned to the country, but never returned again as the king and only the strength seremonial limited.

Approval under the Bonn Agreement (Bonn Agreement), Afghanistan Constitutional Commission was established to consult with the public and the establishment of the constitution draft. Draft scheduled launch on 1 September 2003, the commission has requested a delay so that a further consultation. Meeting queasiness jirga (council of noble) constitutional held in December 2003 when the new constitution was adopted which created the presidential form of government.

Troops and intelligence agencies from the U.S. and a number of other countries present, some to keep the peace, other assigned to pursue the remaining Taliban and al-Qaeda. UN Peace Force guards called operating the International Security Assistant Force in Kabul, began in December 2001. NATO took control this force on 11 August 2003. Most of the country remain under the control of war commander.

On 27 March 2003, WaMenHan Afghanistan and the effect of war commander General Abdul Rashid Dostum created task for the North Zone and Afghanistan to lift the officials that, while opposing the president Hamid Karzai that the zone no longer in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is home to a number of tribes. However, because there is no adequate census jiwaan, so be sure not actual conditions. And is available now only based on mere estimates. Based on records from the CIA World Factbook (updated on 17 May 2005), racial composition in Afghanistan is as follows: Pashto 42%, concentrated in the eastern and southern Afghanistan, Tajik 27% based in the north and Kabul, Hazara 9% is in Afghanistan including central Bamiyan; Uzbek 9%; Aimak4%; Turkmen 3%; Baluchi 2% and 4% of the rest includes Wakhidan Kyrgyz.

Two official languages Afghanistan Afgani Persia is often called from (50%), and the Pashtun (35%). Other languages are languages Turkik (Uzbek and Turkmenistan that are used by 11% people), and 30 minor languages, primarily Baluchi and Pashai (4%). Many people that Afghanistan is able to use two or more languages.

According to the religious people most of Afghanistan is Sunni Muslim (80%), Muslim Syi'ah (19%), and other (1%).

Afghanistan country is mountainous, despite a plateau in the north and southwest. Highest point in Afghanistan, Nowshak, is 7485 m dpl. Part of the country is dry, and clean water supplies are limited. Afghanistan has a land climate, with hot summer and the cold snowy season. The country is often the center of the earthquake bumi.Di side of the capital city of Kabul, Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar-e Sharif and Kandahar are the major cities this country. See also cities in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a country that is relatively poor, highly dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. Weakening economy and political unrest due to military events, with the additional difficulty of having the nation between 1998-2001. Some people experience a crisis food, clothing, housing, and inadequate health care. This condition diperburuk by military operations and political uncertainties. Inflation leaving a lot of problems. Following the war coalition led by the U.S. cause the fall of the Taliban in November 2001 and the establishment of Afghanistan Interim Authority (AIA), which resulted from the December 2001 Bonn Agreement, International efforts to rebuild Afghanistan is aimed at the Tokyo Donor Conference for Afghanistan Reconstruction in January 2002, in which $ 4 , 5 million collected for the trust fund will be managed by the World Bank. Priority areas for reconstruction include the construction of education, health, and health facilities, administrative capacity, the development of the agricultural sector, and rebuilding roads, energy, and telecommunications network.

Many historical monuments in this country is broken war years. 2 famous Buddha statue in Bamiyan province was destroyed because the Taliban is seen as the symbol of another religion.

People known as the Afghanistan equestrian. Sports such as the famous Buzkashi there.

Before the Taliban hold power, the city of Kabul is home to many musicians are experts in traditional music and modern Afghanistan. Kabul on the part of 20th century Vienna with the same during the XVIII and XIX centuries.

In the spring of 2003, estimated that 30% of Afghanistan's 7000 schools have been damaged worse during more than 2 decades of the Soviet Union, civil war and Taliban control. Only half of the schools that have reported water supply, with less than 40% are estimated to have adequate sanitation. Education for boys is not a priority during the Taliban, women and children removed from schools outright.

With regard to poverty and violence around them, a study in 2002 by a group parlormaid Save the Children said children ulet Afghanistan and the brave. Studies of praise to strong family institutions and the environment.

Up to 4 million children Afghanistan, possibly the largest amount, has to be signed up for classes for the school year that began in March 2003.

Overall literacy rate of 36% is estimated.

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