Saturday 14 February 2009

United States

United States (abbreviated U.S.), or (English: United States of America - USA or the United States - U.S.) is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and a federal district. Except Alaska (northern Canada) & Hawaii (Pacific ocean), 48 other states and districts federalnya located in North America.

United States borders with Mexico and Gulf of Mexico in the south, and with Canada in the north and northwest (Alaska eksklave). West of the country is bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, there are still many areas in the colony, and many parts of the world, such as Hawaii, is a state, and other areas such as Puerto Rico, Guam and others that is included in the commonwealth.

American form of 13 former British colonies that liberate ourselves on 4 July 1776. After the United States berekspansi the large-scale, local purchase Louisiana from France and Russia from Alaska and menganeksasi areas of Mexico that is owned by New Mexico, Texas, and California) after Mexican-American War.

America is a country with the fourth largest in the world, after Russia, Canada, and China & the third largest in number of population, after China and India. But if viewed in terms of the economy, the United States is number one in the world, covering approximately one quarter to one third of total world economic output.

Model of democratic government presidensiil, followed by countries in Latin America other.

United States form of 13 former British colonies after the American Revolution after the declaration of independence on 4 July 1776. At the origin, structure is a political confederation. But after a long debate and terbentuknya United States Constitution, this colony eventually agreed to form a state federation.

In the 19th century the strength of the U.S. extends across the North American continent. Through coercion, military force and diplomacy, the U.S. get a lot of countries in other parts in and outside the country such as Cuba and the Philippines. However, the country is experiencing social problems that bad. In an effort to develop the area of the skin is white, the indigenous Indian has become the victim. Through military force, destruction, evacuation and the development of the reservation area, the indigenous Indian has been removed. In the south, there is still the system of slavery with black people as second-class. Discrimination against colored people is one of the occurrence of civil war between the states of the country-the North and South. Although the system has been abolished slavery after the defeat of the Southern states, racial discrimination continues to reign so that the mid-20th century.

During this era, the country continues to become an advanced industrial world ruler, so that berterusan to-20 th century, known as the Century Kegemilangan the United States or American Century. In this century the influence of the United States in the widespread international arena and the center of innovation and technology in the world when the World is. Some of the technology, including telephone, television, computer, Internet, nuclear weapons, aircraft and ships, outer space travel.

This country has had some bitter experiences such as the American Civil War (1861-1865) and fall when the economy is bad "Great Depression" (1929-1939) that not only the United States are almost all over the world. Experience the latest attack was the most miserable 9 / 11 on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center, New York, where nearly three thousand people killed due to terrorist attacks.

In terms of history, this country has been involved in some of the great world war, War of 1812 against England, and also berpakta the UK during World War I and World War II. In the era of 1960s in the United States involved in the Cold War against the teeth of the other and the influence of Soviet communism. In an effort to stem spread communism in Asia, the U.S. in the Korean War, Vietnam and Afghanistan in the past. And after the fall of Soviet divisions, the U.S. rose to become an economic power and the most powerful military in the world. During the 1990s, the U.S. crown himself as the world's police and army in action in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, and the First Gulf War against Iraq that menginvasi Kuwait. After the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the U.S. counteroffensive against wage Afghanistan Taliban and topple the country there and in 2003 wage Second Gulf War against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein regime.

United States is a democratic constitutional state system with three-Tier and judiciary institutions that are free. There are three national ranking, namely, state and local government agencies that have legislative and executive power to the field of each. Countries using this system in the federation or federalism in the country where the central and state share of power. Central state power against some things such as printing currency and United States defense policy. However, the states determine the rights and power laws of each such as abortion rights and the baby the maximum penalty in the case law.

One element that is marked in the United States doctrine of the division of power. Article 1 to 3 of the Constitution United States, has highlighted the in detail about the powers of the State that is the main executive, legislative and judicial. Checks and balances, or check and balance is one of the main character in the American countries and this is so comprehensive, so there is not a branch of the state that has absolute power to oversee the other branches.

In this country all people aged 18 and over have the right to choose. Presidential election for the election held every four years and the last was in November 2004.

In addition to the presidential elections for the election, there is also a part-time elections, held in mid-presidential term of office. In this election the president is not elected but all members of the Council of Representatives and a third of all the senator from each state. This last election was held on 7 November 2006.

When dinyatakannya independence of the United States, thirteen colonies changed to the state-the state. In the beginning the state-state this as an alliance to join and then formed a unified country. In the following years, the number of states increases with the inclusion of state-state in the west, the purchase of land and split the state-the state that already exists. Each state is divided to the Counties (such districts), cities (such as municipalities or autonomous cities) and townships (such districts).

United States also has a federal district, Washington, DC, and dependency, such as Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Islands.

In addition to the state, one federal district, and some areas that can be called a colony.

United States is the largest country to-3 in the world. Geographical situation is very diverse.

* There is grass in Coastal East,
* Appalachian Mountains
* Great Plains in the middle of this country,
* Mississippi-Missouri River,
* Rocky Mountains in the west

Climate according to various geographical conditions, from tropical (hot and dry in summer, warm in winter) in Florida to tundra (cold year-round) in Alaska. Most countries have a warm summer season and the cold snow. A number of the U.S., such as the California, has a climate Mediterrania.

U.S. capitalist economic system running. Economic growth the country is firmly on the surface, unemployment and low inflation, trade deficit and a low (meaning the U.S. to buy more goods from other countries rather than sell).

U.S. economy is one of the most important in the world. Many countries have made the U.S. dollar as the currency measurements, meaning that valuable or not the currency they are determined by the dollar. A number of countries using the dollar as currency. U.S. stock exchanges is seen as an indicator of the world economy.

This country has many mineral resources, such as gold, oil, coal and uranium deposition. Agriculture makes this country is among the main producers, among others, maize, wheat, sugar and tobacco. U.S. produce cars, aircraft and electronic items. About 3 / 4 of U.S. residents working in the service industry.

U.S. trading partners are:

* Canada
* Mexico
* Country Europe
* Countries such as Japan industrialized Asia, Taiwan, India, South Korea and China.

Distance social structures of the United States, the United States a number of people rich enough. Although there are actually still people who live below the poverty line. 51% of all households have a computer and 41% have Internet access in 2000, that number has grown to be 75% in 2004. Furthermore, 67.9% of the population have their own home in 2002. Average income of U.S. $ 37,000 a year in 2002.

Most of the population in the U.S. are descendants of European immigrants. Many people are descended from German, English, Scottish, Irish, and Italian.

In the recent years, many Hispanic people come from Mexico and other parts of Latin America, particularly to the southwestern U.S.. Many of those who cross the border illegally. Some people feel sick U.S., and also due to the use of Spanish in the U.S. (see Languages in the United States).

Many people also African-American. Most of them descended from African slaves brought to the New World.

Third of the U.S. population is Asian-American. Most inhabit the west coast.

Original population, called the native American Indian and Eskimo, or very little.

[edit] Religion
Embraces the number of Christians in the U.S. continue to decline. 86.2% call themselves Christian in 1990 and 76.5% call themselves Christian in 2001 (Aris 2001). Members of the religious in 2001 is 52% Protestant, Catholic 24.5%, 13.2% have not, Judaism 1.3% and 0,5-0,3% Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostik, atheist, Hindu and Unitarian Universalis. There are big differences between those who embrace a religion and those who are members of the religious places of worship. Census Bureau figures (PDF file) shows that the membership of places of worship in 2004 is 33% Christian Protestant, Roman Catholic 19%, 4% Jews and 44% other religions.

Cultural level the United States are developed. This is evident with the progress of technology. The United States with countries that Russia is a friend of pioneers in the investigation and exploration of space, in addition to the United States are also experts in the field of sophisticated weaponry.

In the field of modern literature, the United States have Ernest Hemingway, who never reach the 1954 Nobel Prize.

Algiers located in west Africa with the sea-coast along the Mediterranean Sea in the north, is bordered by Tunisia in the northeast, Libya in the east, Niger in the southeast, Mali and Mauritania in the north west, and Morocco in the west. The name comes from the name of Algeria capital Algiers which means the island (al-jazā'ir, in Arabic). This may be referring to the 4 islands that are located close to Algiers. Algeria is the second largest country in Africa.


Native Berber population in Algeria has been under foreign powers for more than 3000 years. People Fenisia (1000 BC) and Roman Republic (200 BC) is the most important, until the arrival of people in the century to the Arab-8. However, the flow of conquest is not all one way; in the mid Fatimids Berber, came from Algeria, Egypt took over, although as soon as it left North Africa.

Entering Turkish territory algiers Utsmani by Khair ad-Din and his brother Aruj that make pesisirnya basis corsair; [privateering] reached their peak in Algiers on 1600an, after moved to the center of Tripoli in Libya. With the pretext ignore their consul-consul, the French attacked Algiers in 1830, however, opposition from a number of great figures such as Emir Abdelkader made a submission to instill in Algeria, not technically completed until the early 1900an when Tuareg last ditaklukkan.

Meanwhile, however, France has made Algeria an integral part metropolitannya, status status that will end the fall of the Fourth Republic. Tens of thousands of settlers from France, Italy, Spain, Malta and moved across the Mediterranean to farm land in the Algerian coast and occupied the most valuable part of the cities Algeria, the benefits of foreclosure with the land that the French government. Those European progenitive pinak in Algeria (which is called the Pied-noir), such as the native Algerian Jews, is a full French citizens who are starting from the end of the 19th century, with the striking differences, most Muslim Algeria remain outside the French law , and do not have French citizenship or rights. Algeria diperlunak social order for the purpose of the change during this period: literacy rate in great falls, while the annexation of land uproot most of the population.

At 1954, National Exemption Front (FLN) wage guerrilla war, after almost 1 decade of war in the cities and villages, they succeeded in forcing the French out in 1962. On 25 September 1962, Ferhat Abbas was selected to become president of provinsional government, with Ahmed Ben Bella as prime minister. Most 1,025,000 Pied-noir, such as 91,000 harki (Muslims pro-French Algeria), or almost 10% of the population in Algeria in 1962, going from Algeria to France only in the mid of the month that year.

Algeria's first president, FLN leader Ahmed Ben Bella, didepak by former allies and also PM, Houari Boumédiènne in 1965. That country and enjoy the nearly 25 years of relatively stable 1-party socialist property Boumedienne and his successor.

In the 1990s, Algeria was full of war and violence after prolonged military barred Islamic political party, Islamic Salvation Front took power following a multipartai first election in the country. More than 100,000 people killed, too fat in the slaughter of civilians that is not grounded, gerilyawan by groups such as the Armed Islamic Group.

In December 1990, People's National Assembly passed the rules of Arabic language as the official language and Algeria prohibit private companies and political parties use the French and Berber. New legislation is considered to be the attitude the government is not tolerant of a number of people that a Western education and Berber community. This then causes about 500,000 people down to street to protest religious discrimination and political

Head of state is the President, elected for a period of 5 years, can be extended once again. Algiers together have the right choose. The President is the head of the Council of Ministers and the High Security Council. He was the PM who is the head of government. PM the Council of Ministers.

Algeria bikameral parliament, consists of a representative, the National People's Assembly (APN), with 380 members and the senate, the Council of State, with 144 members. APN is selected every 5 years.

Algiers divided into 48 regions / provinces (ولاية):

# Adrar
# Ain Defla
# Ain Temouchent
# Algiers
# 'Annabah
# Batnah
# Bechar
# Bajayah
# Biskirah
# Bulidah
# Bordj Bou Arreridj
# Bouira
# Boumerdes
# Syilf
# Qusnathinah
# Jalfah
# El Bayadh
# El Oued
# El Tarf
# Ghardaia
# Guelma
# Illizi
# Jijel
# Khenchela
# Laghouat
# Mascara
# Medea
# Mila
# Mostaganem
# M'Sila
# Naama
# Wahran
# Ouargla
# Oum el Bouaghi
# Relizane
# Saida
# Sathif
# Sidi Bil'abbas
# Skikda
# Souk Ahras
# Tamanghasset
# Tebessa
# Tiaret
# Tindouf
# Tipaza
# Tissemsilt
# Tizi Ouzou
# Tilimsan

All-Africa Games 2007 (9th) held in Algiers, Algeria from 11-23 July 2007. Algeria had been the previous host All-Africa Games in 1973 (to-3) and held in the same city in Algiers.

Albania is a country located in southeast Europe. Albania borders Montenegro to the north, Serbia (Kosovo) in the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east, and Greece in the south. Adriatic Sea is located in the west of Albania, while in the Ionia Sea southwest. Albania in the language called Shqipëria, which means Land of Water Birds Elang. Thus, the image double eagle can be seen in benderanya and emblemnya. The name "Albania" may also come from the words of Indo-European albh (white).


Scholars believe the Albanian population is the offspring of non-Slavic, non-ethnic groups of Turkey known as Illyria, who came in the Balkans around 2000 BC. Modern Albanian population still distinguish between Gheg (northern tribe) and Tosk (southern tribes). After falling under Roman authority in 165 BC, Albania monitored almost continuously from the turn of foreign powers until mid-20th century, with a short period of self-government.

Following terpecahnya the Roman Empire in 395, the Empire began Bizantium area that is now known as Albania. In 11-century, Bizantium Emperor Alexius I Comnenus to create a letter in which the record is the first time or area of land known as Albania and its population.

Kalifah Usmaniyah between the Albanian 1385-1912. During this period, most people embraced Islam, and the Albanian people also emigrate to Italy, Greece, Egypt and Turkey. Despite supervision by briefly disrupted upheaval 1443-1478, led by Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeg, Khilafah Turkey Utsmani finally assert their control again.

In the early 20th century, Khilafah Turkey Utsmani control can not control here. Prizren League (1878) introduced the idea of Albanian nationalism and create a modern Albanian alphabet. Following end of the Balkan War I, those Albania Vlore Proclamation issued on 28 November 1912, declare 'independence'. Albanian border defined by the strength of 1913. Integrity of Albania be in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, after United States President Woodrow Wilson's plan to deny the strength of Europe to divide Albania among neighbors.

During World War II, Albania dicaplok first by Italy (1939-43) and then by Germany (1943-44). After the war, the Communist Party leader Enver Hoxha set to protect the integrity of Albania during the next 40 years, but requires a political price which is very expensive from the population, be caused to bow to the clean up, reduce, oppression and civil rights politics, total ban on religious practice, and increase the isolation . Albanian loyal to the philosophy that hard Stalinis, eventually withdraw from the Warsaw Treaty in 1968 and dissociate themselves from the last ally, People's Republic of China in 1978.

Following the death of Hoxha in 1985 and then fall of communism in 1991, Albanian society struggled to cope isolation and dropping history. During the initial transition period, the government of Albania looked closer ties with the West in order to improve economic conditions and introduced basic democratic reforms, including multipartai system.

In 1992, after the triumph of a wide selection of Democratic Party, Sali Berisha became the first democratic leader who is selected as the President of Albania. Berisha economic improvement program started and 'democracy' is more cautious, but when running a rumor that failed in the mid 1990an, because of political gridlock. At the same time, investment companies that do not override moral overshadow all the money in Albania using pyramid schemes. In the early 1997, several pyramid schemes that kolaps, leaving thousands of people bankrupt, disillusioned, and angry. Armed upheaval broke out throughout the country, the fall of almost total government authority. During that time, Albania has the infrastructure that is not enough and old who suffer great damage, such as the hijack of the common material for building. Weapons depot in the country and dismantled so that its contents seized in that year many outstanding military firearm be Albanian civilians. Anarchy in the early 1997 impassion the world and encourage the intensive international mediation.

Command restored by the UN Multinational Protection Force, and national reconciliation government while maintaining the elections in June 1997, the Socialist and allies to restore the power at the national level. President Berisha to stop, and the President is the successor of the Socialist Rexhep Meidani. Between 1997 and 2002, a series of short replace one another. Fatos Nano, Chairman of the Socialist Party, has been PM since June 2002.

During the transition period 1997-2002, the structure of democracy, Albania is easy to be broken. Political party to form, store the media developed, organizations and business associations nonpemerintahanpun so. In 1998, the Albania ratified a new constitution via public referendum, the power of law and ensure protection of the rights and religious freedom.

On 24 July 2002, Alfred Moisiu disumpah as President. Nonpartisan figure, associated with a nominal Democrat, he was appointed as the consensus candidate of the party in power and opposition. A peaceful transfer of power from Meidani to Moisiu is a result of the agreement between the parties to encourage one another in the structure of parliament. "Truce" to bring this new period of political stability in Albania, which is considered to be able to make progress in the means that may be democracy and economic reform, the initiative power of the law, and the development of relations with countries neighboring Albania and the U.S..
City election held throughout the country in October 2003. Even if it means beyond repair years ago, remain scattered errors of administration, including a list ketidakakakuratan collector. "Ceasefire" antarpemimpin party scene began in summer 2003. Progress on the economic and political improvements appear to suffer during the final year-end 2003 because of political contention. However, in December 2003, PM Nano reassert his leadership of the Socialist Party is in power and the new cabinet.

Ethnic Macedonian minority in Albania

Albania recognizes the ethnic Macedonian and ethnic minorities as to provide primary education in Macedonia on the border where most of their lives. In the 1989 census, 5,000 people declare themselves as Macedonian.

Ethnic organization is suspected that the government reduce the number of ethnic Macedonian and Albanian in the politics they represented less - there is no Macedonian ethnic Albanian in the parliament. Some parties said the ketidaksetujuan between citizens Slavik Albanian-speaking nation on the membership of Macedonia and a significant number of speakers of the language Slavik was Torbesh and identity as the Albanian people. Estimates outside the ethnic Macedonian population in Albania include 10,000 [1], whereas Macedonian sources have claimed that 120,000 - 350,000 inhabitants in Macedonia's ethnic Albanian.

The language of the official language is Albanian (99%)

Åland Islands (Swedish: Landskapet of Åland, Finland language: Ahvenanmaan maakunta / Ahvenanmaa) is an archipelago in the Baltic Sea. Located at the entrance of Gulf of Bothnia. Administratively, the province of Åland is an autonomous Finnish experience, not military strength, single Swedish-speaking, be a governor and a prime minister. This archipelago consists of the main island, Fasta of Åland, and 6500 ± skerry other.

* Brando
* Eckerö
* Finström
* Föglö
* Throne
* Hammarland
* Jomala
* Kumlinge
* Kökar
* Lemland
* Lumparland
* Mariehamn
* Saltvik
* Sottunga
* Sund
* Vårdö
Akrotiri and Dhekelia

Akrotiri, also called the "power sector Pangkalan West" (Western Sovereign Base Area / WSBA) and Dhekelia, also called the "Great power Sector East" (Eastern Sovereign Base Area / ESBA), is a two-Area Great Britain (UK Sovereign Base Area / SBA ) in Cyprus, the former British Crown colony. Akrotiri is located in the southern part of Cyprus, near the city Limasso. Dhekelia is located in the southeast, near Larnaca. Both areas have a military base, agriculture and settlement. Akrotiri is surrounded by territory of the Republic of Cyprus, while the boundary with Dhekelia buffer zone of the United Nations and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

British troops garrison placed there as a form of defense. In addition, there is also a listening post (the post to hear the enemy) and the only station RAF (British Air Force) the most in the Mediterranean region (due in Gibraltar does not have permanent base plane), RAF Akrotiri. Britain is also sending pasukannya under the auspices of the UN assigned in Cyprus. British personnel in the entire Cyprus reached 3500 people.

Disorientation can be felt when entering the area a military power base (different from the Guantanamo Bay, there is a way to penetrate the region and even to the military camp, which is open to traffic from Cyprus). In fact, all the roads in the military camp is keinggris-inggrisan. Civil law applied by the British civil authorities, but rather follow the model law of the Republic of Cyprus. Many residents who work in Cyprus SBA, especially for the British authorities or as farmers and traders. However, only people that Cyprus has a local network (local connection), which allowed to live there, such as those living in the village of Akrotiri on the fringe of the village or neighborhood near base. In addition, the village Xylotimbou and Ormidhia in the Republic of Cyprus is enklave surrounded by SBA Dhekelia.

Power base in Cyprus, including in the British overseas territory, but rather, led by the Governor, such as other territorial, SBA in Cyprus led by the Administrator, appointed by the Queen, but is responsible to the Ministry of Defense, not to the Office for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.

An antenna (possibly for the sake of radar) that is installed in the Akrotiri base feared cause side effects of habitat and wild animal health people who live in Limassol.

Ayios Nikolaos in Dhekelia station is listening for network watcher echelon.

Second base has a complex relationship with the EU according to different agreements.
Central African Republic

Central African Republic, is a landlocked country in Africa which borders Chad, Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo and Cameroon.

This is the first country French colony called Ubangi-Shari, who reached independence in 1960. After three turbulent decades as a result of government military silih-switch, the civilian government in power in 1993. However, this government survive only as long as a decade. In March 2003 a military coup d'etat led by General François Bozizé have government impose civil leaders of President Ange-Félix Patassé and establish transitional government there.
At the origin a colony of France, Central African Republic gained its independence in 1960. This new state quickly fell under the dictatorial government in the first president, David Dacko. In the year 1966 be defeated by Dacko cousin, Jean Bedel Bokassa of the kingdom to establish a military dictator and that have a certain complex. In 1976 Bokassa declare himself as the emperor in a ceremony dinobatkan and all the luxury and expensive criticized by many other countries. He also frequently violate human rights and bolster anti-French movement. As a result, the French government to support a coup against the government in 1979 and again Dacko power in the country. The second rebellion occurred in 1981, and democratic government in power began in 1993. However, in 2003, a coup d'etat occurred once again, in which François Bozizé took over power.
Now this country is under the government François Bozizé. New constitution was passed by voters in a referendum held on 5 December 2004. Presidential and parliamentary elections multipartai fully held in March 2005, [1] with the second round in May. Bozizé declared as the winner after a run-off vote
The division of administrative

Central African Republic divided the 14 prefecture (capital in brackets):

1. Bamingui-Bangoran (Ndélé)
2. Basse-Kotto (Mobaye)
3. Haute-Kotto (Bria)
4. Haut-Mbomou (oboe)
5. Kémo (Sibut)
6. Lobaye (Mbaïki)
7. Mambéré-Kadéï (Berbérati)
8. Mbomou (Bangassou)
9. Nana-Mambéré (Bouar)
10. Ombella-M'Poko (Bimbo)
11. Ouaka (Bambari)
12. Ouham (Bossangoa)
13. Ouham-Pendé (Bozoum)
14. Vakaga (Birao)

This also added to the two economic zones or economic prefectures (capital in brackets):

1. Nana-Grébizi (Kaga Bandoro)
2. Sangha-Mbaéré (Nola)


The country is entirely landlocked in Africa. Most of this land, even, or plato sabana the spin, especially about 500 m dpl. In the northeast have Fertit Hill, and there are hills in the southwest this country. Marine in the west have Yade Massif, plato bergranit with a height of 1143 m.

Most of the southern part of the country is formed by children with the River Congo River in the east Mbomou who joined the Sunagi Uele form Ubangi River. In the west, the Sangha River flows through the country. Timurnya border extends along the Nile river water limit.

Estimates that the country is covered with forest on ranges in 75%, with the terpadatnya in the south. Forest is very diverse, including fdan species Ayous, Sapelli and Sipo important in the commercial [3]. Current level of deforestation is 0.4% per year, illegal logging and the public. [4]

General climate in the Central African Republic is tropical. Region is where the north wind harmattan, a hot, dry, and carry dust. The north where desertifikasi, and marine bergurun east. The other easily flooded from surrounding rivers.

Friday 13 February 2009

South Africa

Republic of South Africa Union or South Africa is a country in southern Africa. South Africa are with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe in the north, Mozambique and Swaziland in the northeast. Lesotho entire country is located in the hinterland of South Africa.

In the first period of a state government be censured because of this political 'apartheid'nya but now South Africa is a democratic country with the largest white population in the African continent. South Africa is also a country with many different people and has 11 official languages. The country is also famous as a diamond producer, gold and platinum in the main world.


South Africa is one of the oldest countries in the African continent. Many tribes have become a tribe penghuninya including Khoi, Bushmen, Xhosa and Zulu. Dutch explorers, known as the Afrikaner arrived there in 1652. At that time Britain is also interested with this country, especially after the discovery of abundant reserves of diamonds. This has caused the British-Dutch War and the two Boer Wars. At 1910, the four main republic merged under Unity South Africa. At 1931, South Africa fully into the British colony.

Although the country is under the British colony, they were forced to share power with the Afrikaner. The division of power has been continued until 1940s, when the party that is pro-Afrikaner National Party (NP) to obtain a majority in parliament. Strategies party has created the basic apartheid (which was passed in 1948), a way to oversee economic and social system of domination with the white race and discrimination. However the British government often thwart the efforts of comprehensive apartheid in South Africa.

In the year 1961, a special election after the skin is white, as South Africa declared a republic. Starting in the 1960s, 'Grand apartheid' (of apartheid) is carried out, this emphasizes the political isolation and oppression of the police.

Oppression of black continues until the end of 20th century. In February 1990, due to encouragement from other nations and great opposition from various anti-apartheid movement, especially African National Congress (ANC), the National Party government under President FW de clerk interesting behind the prohibition against African National Congress and political parties follow a course that left other and free Nelson Mandela from prison. The Act removed the apartheid start slowly and without discrimination in the election first held in 1994. The ANC achieved a great victory, and Nelson Mandela, the President appointed as the first black in South Africa. Although the powers already in the hands of black people, millions still live in poverty.

When Nelson Mandela became president of this country for 5 years, government has pledged to implement the changes mainly in the issues that have been ignored during the era of apartheid. Some issues are handled by the ANC leadership is like unemployment, AIDS epidemic, lack of housing and food. Mandela government also began to introduce the South Africa back to the global economy after several years diasingkankan because of political apartheid. In addition, in their efforts to unify the people the government also created a committee known as the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) under the leader Bishop Desmond Tutu. Committee to monitor the role government agencies such as police agencies so that South African society can live in safety and harmony.

President Mandela concentrate all attention on the national stage in the peace, and try to build a jatidiri to South Africa in the compound by a separate conflict to drag on for several decades. Mandela ability in achieving objectives clearly evident after 1994 because the country has been free from political conflict. Nelson Mandela laying his party ANC president in December 1997, to provide the opportunity for a new President is Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki elected as president after South Africa won national elections in 1999, and the thin partainya win two-thirds majority in parliament. President Mbeki has been the focus shifts from the atonement to the changes, especially in terms of the economic state.

South Africa is a democratic constitutional state system with three levels of the judiciary and the institutions that are free. There are three ratings that is national, regional and local government agencies that have legislative and executive powers to the regions of each.

President of South Africa is holding the two positions as Head of State and Head of Government. He was elected during the National Assembly (National Assembly) and Provincial Assembly province-National (National Council of Provinces) joined. Often, the President is leading the majority party in Parliament.

National Assembly has 400 members elected through proportional representation in elections. National Council of Provinces, which have replaced the Senate in 1997, consists of 90 members representing each province, including 9 major cities in South Africa.

In South Africa, elections are held every 5 years and each of the people aged 18 and above are required to participate. Last election was in April 2004, in which party wins the ANC successfully 69.68% seats in parliament. This party together with Inkatha Freedom Party (6.97%) have formed alliances of government. Parties including the main opposition Democratic Aliasi (12.37%), Unity Democratic Movement or UDM (2.28%), ID or Free Democrats (1.73%), New National Party or NNP (1.65%) and African Christian Democratic Party or ACDP (1.6%).

In addition, each province in South Africa has one penggubal laws of the Executive and Assembly diketuai by a Prime Minister or "Premier".
The division of administrative

South Africa consists of nine provinces, namely:

1. Eastern Cape
2. Free State
3. Gauteng
4. KwaZulu-Natal
5. Limpopo
6. Mpumalanga
7. North West
8. Northern Cape
9. Western Cape

Main cities
Major cities in South Africa including Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town, Pretoria, Kimberley, Port Elizabeth and Bloemfontein.

South Africa is located at 29 ° 00 'S, 24 ° 00' T. Area region is 1,219,912 km ², including Robben Island, and Prince Edwards Islands (Marion Island and Prince Edward Island). South Africa adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean on the west coast and the South Ocean and Indian Ocean on the east coast. Major ocean currents in the ocean-is cool Benguela current and the warm Agulhas current. The lowest point is Atlantic Ocean at 0 m and the high altitude is Njesuthi at 3408 m.

South Africa has a climate different. In the southwestern state, the climate is Mediterranean, in the area be it a simple, and in the northeast is a subtropical climate.

South Africa is a country rich with valuable mineral materials such as gold, platinum and diamonds. Material semulajadinya including mine gold, chromium, antimoni, charcoal, seeds of iron, Manganese, nickel, phosphate, bean tin, uranium, diamonds, platinum, kuprum, vanadium, salt, and the original gas.

South Africa is a country with a population of advanced simple income. Country is rich with mineral material mainly high value materials such as mine of gold, platinum and diamonds. It also has the financial system, legislation, telecommunications, energy, infrastructure is developed and modern. Johannesburg Stock Exchange in sahamnya so ever to be active in order to-10 in the world.

Since the arrival in the UK There, the state economy depend on the mining sector. But a few decades ago, these activities have been replaced by the production sector. South African industrial sector which is very advanced, and the economy to the 25-largest in the world. With only 7% of the population and 4% the amount of the overall area of Africa, South Africa spent over a third of products and services in Africa, and almost 40% of the industry in Africa. Material exported commodities: machinery equipment, food and equipment, chemicals, products petroliam and scientific equipment.

Demikan However, the HIV epidemic is a critical problem in this country. An estimated 4.79 million people dijangkiti AIDS and Africa's new government had to issue millions of Rand to handle this problem. Since South Africa opened perbatasannya after the end of apartheid, international syndicate Napza have entered this country. Now South Africa is mariyuana largest producer in the world. Political upheaval in Zimbabwe also give a bad impact to the economy this country. Many foreign investors worry the problem will affect the South Africa. In 2002, these issues have been the main factors decreasing the value of Rand 30 percent, but in 2004 the currency has been strong Rand.

Due to the basic apartheid that was conducted over more than four decades, poverty among the black population is the main problem most of the new South Africa. At the end of the 1980s had been budgeted 16 million people living in poverty and face down 2.3 million people at risk malnutrition and food shortages. However, the black South Africa has been successfully reduce poverty from 42% in 1994 to 24% in 2003.

Demography in South Africa is divided into four main groups, namely: black, one white, one color (or people from the Asia-breed) and the Indian nation.

They are the largest in South Africa is the indigenous people of color that is 77% the number of people here. Black population consists of a plural society can be classified to the four ethnic groups based on the language of each. The largest groups, namely 50% of the population in Africa, here is the Nguni-speaking nations, including Ndebele, Swazi, Xhosa and Zulu. The second largest group is in the Sotho-Tswana, Sotho, including some of the nation, Pedi, and Tswana, and the majority in most of the Highveld. The last two groups is Tsonga, Shangaan or, in the North tertumpu and Mpumalanga area, and Venda, which is also tertumpu in the north area of South Africa.

The white consists of 11% of the population here, a nation the Netherlands, France, England and Germany. Most people in European countries this is a descendant of pioneer-explorers early in the Cape colony. There are also Portuguese minority groups - first group of descendants of early European explorers, whereas the second group of Dutch descendants of slaves who came from Indonesia.

9% of the South African nation consists of a colored or colored. This group of nations including the intervention and also marries Asian immigrants, who brought go to work as a coolie at Christmas. Whereas, 3% more of the nation India which comes from the Indian traders-traders.

In South Africa, during the period of schooling is 13 years old - or level. However, the first year of education or level 0 and the last three years ie from level 10 to level 12 (also called "matric") is not required. Most schools offer a basic level of 0. But this level can also be made in kindergarten. Normally to enter university, a person must pass the "matric" with a minimum of three high-level subjects and not simply pass the (standard). Even some prestigious university academic requirements will impose higher. However, those who passed the "National Senior Certificate" qualified to study in the "technikon or technical college.

Under the apartheid system, education system dirangka based on skin color that is different ministries for students white, colored, Asian, and black people outside the Bantustan. This isolation has produced 14 different ministries of education in this country.

Penstrukturan education system after the apartheid-era is a big challenge for the country. Government has established a new system of national education without discrimination, but combining the 14 ministries of education is a difficult task. Thus in February 1996, the Ministry of Education has launched a new curriculum called "Curriculum 2005". This curriculum will replace the basic education under apartheid, will object to the result that students will become more proactive in the surrounding environment and also in the community. To achieve this objective, in 1999 the government has provided 5.7 percent of budget expenditures for the education sector, including building 2,000 new schools, 65,000 classrooms and a new full beralatan, 60,000 teachers trained and 50 million textbooks printed.

In 2004, South Africa has nearly 366,000 teachers and 28,000 schools, including 390 special schools and 1,000 private schools. Of this, 6000 is a high school (level 7 to level 12) and the rest is a primary school (level 1 to level 6).

South Africa also has a system of higher education is developed, which also separated the races during the era of apartheid. In 1995 there were 385,000 students studying in 21 universities and 190,000 students in the "technikon" (or technical institute vokasional). Almost 37 percent of the skin is white. But since 1994, including black students in universities are devoted to white students has been a sudden increase.

Free association in the community in the South African urban areas and the oppression of black culture during the apartheid era has resulted in the loss of old ways of living in the cities here. However, the black culture still exists in rural areas. Some cultural differences remain among the ethnic-ethnic in there, such as customary law of marriage and their adat. But in general, the black tradition is based on trust to the gods of brave and masculine, spirit-grandmother and great-grandparent supernatural powers. Also justified polygamy and "lobolo" (dowry) is usually to be paid. Buffaloes play an important role in most cultures, as symbols of wealth and animal sacrifice.

Art South Africa can be seen from the various caves and rock paintings by San tribes, some of them painted since 26,000 years ago. Beads that up carefully by the tribe of Zulu is also a craft popular in this country. Unfortunately, the black culture has been deleted during the apartheid-era. Tradition of day-to-day that are closely tied to tradition and culture of black people has been ignored and eliminated. An example is the most ketara destruction "District Six", a multicultural area in Cape Town and Sophiatown in Johannesburg, where many musicians-renowned international musicians come together and hone their mastery. Between popular music groups including Ladysmith Black Mambazo who has brought South African music to the Western world, before and after apartheid.

In terms of food, steak or boerewors sausage, boiled vegetables and chips (fried potatoes) are the main food, and food is usually a bit more daunting challenge. Food here lead to more meat. Food of Africa rarely sold in restaurants here, although people can get a cheap and rice "stew" of the outlets-outlets in urban areas. Beer and brandy are the most popular drink among the people, and increasingly popular wine here.
International organizations

South Africa is a member of several international organizations, among them:

* AfDB
* AU
* Commonwealth
* G-24
* G-77
* Movement Non-Blok